From knowledge to action

The German Ocean Foundation is a non-profit organization that is committed to the sustainable use and development of our ocean as the common heritage of humankind following the best scientific knowledge.

We are committed to protecting our planet's largest and most important ecosystem and, where necessary, to restoring its health. We bring the fascinating life in the ocean to life, draw attention to threats and give the ocean a voice because it is essential for the survival of people on our planet.

We organize a constructive, joint dialogue between society, business and politics against the background of current research findings and look for joint solutions for people and the ocean. We are committed to a sustainable marine policy in Germany and Europe through education, events, competitions and research and are committed to improving marine awareness in Germany.


What we do

From the social networks

Why don't you join us?


A donation is the most direct way to support us in speaking loudly and independently for the oceans. Even with seemingly small amounts, we can make a big difference.

Join in

The ability to help the sea stands and falls with a strong, competent and committed team. We are always happy to receive support for our numerous projects.


We can all do our bit for a healthy ocean.