360° Camera

The most fascinating way to experience the ocean without going underwater yourself as a diver is in a modern planetarium. The high-resolution projection techniques, coupled with spatial sound, are the ultimate ocean experience in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

For decades, the team has been working with planetarium projections and the corresponding technologies, mostly realized with several cameras under water, to capture fascinating ecosystems in 360° and develop breathtaking shows and events from them. Only if we manage to get people excited about the unique underwater world will we find enough supporters and decision-makers to protect the marine environment and promote a sustainable approach to it. 

With a new series of six synchronously recording cameras, we will be documenting exciting, beautiful and important ecosystems over the next few years, in particular the local marine environment in the North and Baltic Seas, and showing these in German and international planetariums. To this end, we are working closely with the planetariums in Berlin and Hamburg. In 2002, we brought the underwater show "eintauchen" to the dome of the Hamburg Planetarium, the first and most successful show in the Hamburg Planetarium before its renovation. Further planetarium shows will follow shortly, depending on funding possibilities.