Marine competition

Officially recognized as a UN Ocean Decade activity

Your ship, your research, your project. Apply now for the
Marine Competition 2025!

20 competitions - 59 teams - 180 students

The German Ocean Foundation invites pupils from the 9th grade onwards to take part in the "Research at Sea" marine competition, in which young researchers can carry out their projects on a real research vessel. Since 2005, the nationwide marine competition has been the largest and most attractive young talent initiative for the ocean in Germany. The ocean competition was recognized as an official activity of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in 2021 and has since been held under the Decade's motto "The ocean we need, for the future we want".

In the multi-award-winning marine competition, teams of students apply with their own research ideas for a one-week marine research expedition in the North Sea or Baltic Sea in the summer. We are constantly looking for new ideas that are not yet or not yet very important in everyday marine science or innovative approaches to solving existing problems. The fact that around 90% of the ocean is still unknown to us is our motivation to ensure that young people are also involved with the largest ecosystem on our planet at an early stage.

Climate change, marine pollution and the impact of overfishing and noise pose major challenges for humanity. Science, society and politics must quickly find answers to how the global community can comply with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that have been in force since the end of 2015. Building on SDG 14 "Life below water", which is closely linked to SDG 13 "Climate action", the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development aims to provide a scientific basis and recommendations for action to implement the UN's ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals. We are therefore calling on students to explicitly address issues that are related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 7 goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science and that may not yet have been sufficiently researched.

A renowned jury from the world of science will select the most innovative and feasible ideas, which will then be implemented on board the ALDEBARAN research vessel. Whoever convinces our jury with their idea will be allowed to take samples, experiment and analyze them on board the ALDEBARAN for a week. The team will be supported by scientists who will help develop a realistic research expedition from the project outline. The science mentors accompany the team on the research expedition and help to analyze the data afterwards. The teams also receive media support during the research expedition so that interest and enjoyment of marine research topics is also aroused or strengthened in schools, the media and social networks.


    The climate-friendly, flexible research and media ship ALDEBARAN has been successfully working for our ocean since 1992, especially in shallow water and coastal areas. More than 450 expeditions worldwide bridge the gap between the ocean, science and society.

  • Ambassador for the UN Ocean Decade

    ALDEBARAN was established as an official contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, which was proclaimed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO to support the goals of the Decade.

  • Underwater cameras and drones

    The view into the underwater world with our high-resolution underwater cameras and underwater drones is the highlight of the research expedition on the ALDEBARAN. Even experienced scientists often can't be tempted away from the screen when the seabed and the animals and plants that live there can be observed live.

    Research divers can also be deployed from a floating diving base on board the ALDEBARAN to carry out targeted sampling.

  • Laboratory

    The laboratory on board the ALDEBARAN is highly professional and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. With high-resolution microscopes and binoculars from ZEISS, you can go on a voyage of discovery into the microcosm of marine ecosystems. In addition, a high-resolution camera attached to the microscope and binoculars transmits, for example, the "life in a drop of water" directly to the large monitor in the ALDEBARAN's "salon" for all participants to see.

    A multi-parameter probe can be used to measure oxygen concentration, temperature and salt content. If required, the nutrient composition of the water samples can also be determined using a photometer.

    Samples are taken with a soil grab and plankton net, which are then examined under a microscope and binoculars. This allows you to discover and observe microorganisms such as plankton and algae in the water and soil samples.

Further details about the ALDEBARAN and the extensive equipment on board for your research project can be found here.

Information about the competition winners of recent years can be found here.

What the participants say:

"That was the best experience of my life."

Nils Rottgardt, participant 2006

"If I was given the chance again, I would ride again in a heartbeat."

Helena Brihmani, participant 2020

"An excursion without cyanobacteria, but with unforgettable experiences."

Victoria Wright, Jan Malte Neuhaus and Jana Künne, participants 2017

"Sailing on a research vessel as a student? Sounds impossible? No, it's definitely not."

Clara Deifel, participant 2018

Marine competition 2025

Procedure for the Ocean Competition 2025: Teams from the 9th grade (2-4 people) can apply for the Ocean Competition 2025 until the end of March 2025. Please send your application by 31.03.2025 to:

For this you should send us the registration form and a self-developed project outline with your research idea.

The research expeditions should be planned in such a way that the sampling and analysis can be carried out on board the research vessel ALDEBARAN in the North Sea or Baltic Sea or in large estuaries and completed during a one-week cruise in the summer. Of course, the technical and logistical feasibility of the research project is also crucial. For your project planning, it is best to use the free nautical charts on OpenSeaMap.

  • Teams can apply for the marine competition until March 31, 2025. To do so, you should send us the application form and a self-developed project outline with your research idea. Within the thematic areas of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, you have a free choice. It is only important that the sampling and analysis can be carried out on board the research vessel ALDEBARAN as part of a week-long cruise in the North Sea or Baltic Sea or in large estuaries.

  • After receiving the project outlines, a highly qualified scientific jury will decide on the quality, innovativeness, feasibility and media relevance of the projects. Based on these criteria, the jury selects two to three project outlines that will be realized on board the ALDEBARAN in the summer. The winners will be informed in April and the Deutsche Meeresstiftung team will then find thematically qualified science mentors. They support and accompany the team in the further development of the project idea, the creation of a proper research outline, the preparation of the ship trip as well as the practical implementation and the final documentation of the research results.

  • In preparation for the excursions, the winning teams will meet with the German Ocean Foundation team in Hamburg in May/June. In a personal meeting, the teams present their projects to the science patrons and learn what they need to consider on the research vessel ALDEBARAN and how they can prepare well. Logistical details and equipment that may need to be organized before the expedition are also discussed.

  • The winning teams realize their research projects during the summer vacations on a one-week expedition on board the research and media ship ALDEBARAN, accompanied by the respective science mentors, the experienced ship's crew and a science coach who helps with everyday and technical matters on board. The expedition route depends on the requirements of the scientific project outline and, of course, the current weather conditions.

  • After the week-long cruise, each team has enough time to compile their scientific observations and results in writing. In addition, the teams can also analyze samples taken during the cruise in cooperating laboratories. The teams then compile a final report summarizing their scientific work from all the data collected and analyzed.

  • Following the final written report, a final colloquium will take place at the "boot" trade fair in Düsseldorf in January 2026. Here, the teams will present their research projects and results in a short presentation to the expert jury. Afterwards, the jury, invited guests and journalists will have the opportunity to ask the teams a few questions to get to know the projects better. The final report together with the final colloquium then form the basis for the ranking of the teams by the jury.

    The award ceremony at the "boot" in Düsseldorf marks the festive end of the marine competition. The winning teams can also look forward to receiving non-cash prizes. Even though the marine competition officially ends for the teams here, they can continue to research their projects and submit their results to other competitions such as "Jugend forscht".

    We are very proud of the fact that the quality of the work in the marine competition is so excellent that numerous teams have become state and national winners of "Jugend forscht".

The scientific jury:

  • Prof. em. Dr. Hartmut Graßl

    Former Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg

  • Prof. Dr. Dieter Hanelt

    University of Hamburg

  • Deniz Vural

    Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group 

  • Dr. Georg Heiss

    Free University of Berlin

  • Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa

    Zoological Museum of the University of Hamburg

  • Dr. Lena Rönn

    Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation

We thank the sponsors and partners 2024: