Two sea competition teams win "Federal Environment Competition"

We are particularly proud that student teams from the Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium in Tuttlingen, who took part in the marine competition, won the "BundesUmweltWettbewerb" in both 2022 and 2023. The teams of pupils invented a new environmentally friendly film based on chitosan, which is found in the shells and carapaces of crabs and shrimps. They also looked at the effects of pharmaceutical residues in bodies of water. The competition is organized by the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) at Kiel University.

This year, the winners were able to present their research results to a wide audience as part of the love your ocean sustainability initiative on the Water Pixel World stage at boot Düsseldorf. 


European Ocean Days in Brussels


love your ocean 2024